12 de juliol del 2011

Learning English with the help of ICT

There is no doubt that nowadays the Internet is being used in many ways for teaching and learning. According to Felix (2000), its impact in language teaching has been considerable because the technology of the Web “has advantages over the previous generation of CALL by being cheaper and easier to develop and often cheaper and easier to run and by offering real possibilities for authentic interaction”. If we analyse the current use of the Internet, we will see that it has mainly been utilised as a source of information and communication, but it is also being used more and more as a source of instrumental tools. 
 Isabel Pérez (TESOL Newsletter 2003): "Creating materials online with free teacher tools"

I can make English easier for you

11 de juliol del 2011

Course intro

We're in for new adventures in ICT!! Let's explore the Internet for new tools to improve our teaching.